Skin at its Finest

Photography by Alexandra Olson, Makeup & Modeling by Ellie Stahlmann

Photography by Alexandra Olson, Makeup & Modeling by Ellie Stahlmann

Guy or girl, I think its safe to say we all care about our looks. Men want Fabio hair and a rockin’ James Bond bod. Women want everlasting beauty – as if time has stopped, and aging doesn’t exist. You know, like a McDonald’s hamburger bun.

Like the evil witch in Disney’s Snow White creating her potion to out-do Snow White’s beauty, we will do anything to look the fairest in the land. We care oh so much about our looks. Our Appearance, to say the least, means a lot to all of us. So, I conducted a survey. What were folk’s burning questions that they would ask a dermatologist? How do we keep our bodies biggest organ in tip top shape in 5 simple questions explained?

I interviewed my dermatologist Keith at Dermatologist Consultants in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Keep reading on my fabulous Fabios and youthful ladies!

5 Burning Questions Answered from a Dermatologist

1) What is the BEST skincare routine? We want our faces to be a smooth as a baby’s bottom… but don’t want to look like an A$$.

Regular cleansing of the skin with mild cleanser and wearing sunscreen with at least SPF 30 or to limit photo-aging. Using a regular moisturizer is also helpful to keep the skin healthy. People can also use a variety of cosmeceutical products to help their skin look more youthful.

2) Not that middle school wasn’t traumatizing enough for most of us, but what really cures acne scarring? Not that you can cure my childhood scarring…

There are variety of treatments for scarring. Topical retinoids, peels, laser therapy.

3) How can one escape “MASK-NE” from this cute pandemic we have been having?!

Washing the face twice daily with gentle cleanser.

4) We have entered into the cold tundra season, how can one keep their lips from not feeling like sharp shards of glass under mistletoe this holiday season?

Using Vaseline on lips during the day.  Aquaphor is also helpful.

5) As most of us don’t like to admit we like to sizzle like bacon under the summer sun to achieve a perfect shade of tan, (except gingers we will burn away like the Wicked Witch of the West), When should we check ourselves for skin cancer before we wreck ourselves?

Patients should come in for a skin cancer screening exam if they notice a spot on their skin that is growing, bleeding, itching, or changing colors. People that have a strong family history (1st degree relatives), history of blistering sun burns, history of an occupation where they work outdoors or have significant sun exposure, or those who have used a tanning bed should be seen for a skin cancer screening exam.

Take care!

Phillip Keith, MD

Well, there you have it people! Your five burning dermatologist questions answered. I hope you slap on some Aquaphor so when you kiss that special someone under the mistletoe you don’t have Edward Scissor Hands for lips. Stay safe these holidays by wearing a mask, because I care about ya’ll, but really I care more about myself, so wear your darn mask! Just remember to wash that pearly face of yours. Wear the SPF, let the sun reflect you, not you reflect the sun, no one wants to look like a leather belt or an overly botoxed trophy wife. Interested in seeing a great dermatologist? My guy Dr. Keith Phillips gots you!

Dermatology Consultants
60 Plato Blvd. E, Suite 270
St. Paul, MN 55107
Appointments Line: 651-209-1600

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